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Buying Electronic Parts

Delivery & Pre-order Available

E-TECH (+237) 696941406 - 672941293

Frequently Asked Questions


What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We ship our products to all African Countries such as Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinee, TCHAD, Gabon, Congo by Air and sea through DHL, UPS and FEDEX

Do You Ship Internationally?

E-Techtronixs offers shipping service from Cameroon-China and China- Cameroon.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Order?

If you are a resident in Douala, your order /package may arrive your address within 3hrs. Delivery to other cities may take 2-3 days


What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

Products can be purchased in-store or online without any hassle. You can pay with Cash, MTN Momo, Orange Money, Paypal and Bank Transfer.

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

Our platform is safe and fully protected with recent security technologies. You can conveniently cater your need from our shopping platform without risk.

Order & Returns

How do I place an Order?

To place an order or purchase, simply select the product you desire, adjust if necessary with the provided options available then add to cart and proceed to checkout. Fill in the correct information then place your order successfully.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

If you mistakenly placed an order and you desire to cancel it, kindly email us ;

Do I need an account to place an order?

For a good follow up and progress of your order, we recommend you to create or sign up for an account. This will help you better identity and treat your order in no time.

How Do I Track My Order?

You can track the progress of your order at All informative updates will be available in your user account.

How Can I Return a Product?

All returns must be done within 10 days after purchase or reception by the customer. Our After Sales Team will run a quick diagnosis to check the products state and the management will refund or exchange the goods if the damage was not caused by the customer.
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